top official

美 [tɑːp əˈfɪʃl]英 [tɒp əˈfɪʃl]
  • 高官
top officialtop official
  1. The GSEs [ government sponsored enterprises ] are not safe , said one top official at an Asian central bank , who added that his institution was reluctant to sell its existing holdings because of fears of spooking the market .


  2. Zhang Shuguang , another top official in the railways ministry , was later dismissed for corruption .


  3. The top official of an American city recently had this experience .


  4. I believe the top official values my superior .


  5. A top official assured them of their safety .


  6. This marks the first time a top official has directly said that housing prices will fall .


  7. Bindu Lohani is a top official with the Asian Development Bank based in the Philippines . The bank has promised billions to sustainable development .


  8. Another top official in the rail ministry was later dismissed for corruption , and state auditors said millions had been embezzled from the high-speed network .


  9. Arizonan Senator John McCain is speaking a day after the top official in charge of veterans care resigned amid allegations of treatment delays .


  10. If the comments were judged as " incitement , " he would be banned in future , a top official told the BBC .


  11. The top official on scene , Coast Guard Rear Admiral Mary Landry , says the estimate was only 1000 barrels a day .


  12. Scanners capable of detecting liquid explosives will be installed in all of China's147 airports before the2008 Olympic Games , a top official said .


  13. Sanat Kaul is chairman of the International Foundation for Aviation and Development in India and a former top official in the aviation ministry .


  14. The ongoing financial crises in the EU and the US have hit India 's garment exports to its two main export destinations , a top official has said .


  15. One top official , Cardinal Peter Erdo of Hungary suggested the possibility of simplifying the marriage of annulment process by which the church declared the union was never valid .


  16. A top official on the referendum commission , Chan Reec , said the poll will go forward despite a lack of promised funding from the Bashir government .


  17. A marketing agent , working as a middleman between the Chinese company and the Kenyan federation , then sent nearly $ 200000 to Athletics Kenya , money that a top official quickly withdrew .


  18. For the past 18 years , until Dec. 31 , when Wilson retired as GMAC 's top official , he had been the most visible cheerleader for the MBA degree .


  19. That may be why a top official of Cambria Suites Hotels , Michael Murphy , says business is strong , " We are seeing the highest demand in the history of the hotel industry right now . More people are traveling now than ever before , and that 's in all segments of travel . "


  20. But a top Mongolian official warned the deal may yet change form .


  21. Beijing will not introduce new measures to slow economic growth on the mainland , a top policy official says .


  22. Jacob Lew is President Barack Obama 's top budget official .


  23. Yvo de Boer is the top climate official at the United Nations .


  24. She served as a top policy official at the Pentagon and now runs a think tank .


  25. Later , Arkansas citizens elected him attorney general ? the top law official for the state .


  26. A top FAO official recently said on the agency 's website that a new food crisis appears unlikely .


  27. A top security official in Lebanon is among eight people killed by a car bomb in the capital .


  28. SHANGHAI - As a top trade official , he limited the Japanese cars and steel coming into the United States .


  29. One top EU official scoffed that – France needs Germany to disguise how weak it is .


  30. The top UN official emphasized the need to protect countries , communities and people from increasingly frequent and severe climate impacts .
